Hypnosis or ‘hypnotherapy’ names for a technique that induces a trancelike state to achieve increased focus and concentration.Hypnosis is usually...
Continue ReadingWhat Is a Leaky Gut?
Talking about having a leaky gut can be complicated. There's little concrete medical evidence that “leaky gut syndrome” exists, yet a leaky gut is...
Continue Reading10 Mindbody Software Alternatives
When you are running your own health and wellness business, the right software can make or break your client’s experiences. You may be using Mindbody...
Continue ReadingWhat Is Myofascial Release and Does It Work?
If you're feeling the lingering, debilitating effects of chronic pain, you'll probably be interested in a treatment that can help in a way that's not...
Continue ReadingCraniosacral Therapy — What It Is, How To Use It, and Benefits
Craniosacral therapy is an alternative therapy thought by many to help relieve discomfort, reduce stress, and improve quality of life. It works by...
Continue ReadingCalendly Alternatives for Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs
Calendly Alternatives for Health and Wellness Entrepreneur With the rise of online appointments, meetings, and classes came the rise of online...
Continue ReadingHow to Help Someone with Depression
How to Support a Friend or Family Member with Depression Watching a loved one being stalked by the "black dog" of depression is a difficult...
Continue Reading3 Helpful Ways to Prevent Holiday Burnout
Have the holidays lost their magical essence in your adult life? Whether you are hosting the holidays for the first time or trying to maintain your...
Continue ReadingHow Functional Medicine Can Change Your Life (and Your Health)
Functional Medicine: Introduction and Background Many patients and doctors alike are frustrated with the state of American healthcare. It can be hard...
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