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Picture of Heather Morgan

Heather Morgan

Heather is a Life Coach & Doula and has spent 17 years working with thousands of pregnant and parenting individuals through issues including infertility, miscarriage, adverse prenatal diagnosis, premature birth, stillbirth, birth trauma, NICU stays, infant loss, postpartum depression, Subsequent Pregnancy After Loss (SPAL), physical/developmental disability and mental health issues (for parents or children).
How to Create a Birth Plan
By Heather Morgan on January 10, 2021

Preparing for Birth - First, Determine What Kind of Birth You are Planning For. Before we can plan for birth, we need to think about what kind of...

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How to Homeschool Your Kids During a Pandemic
By Heather Morgan on January 10, 2021

We all want to do the best possible job for our children - even in a pandemic - but we’re all dealing with a lot of stressors. I want to acknowledge...

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