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Three Things Your Wellness Business Should Outsource Now

Picture of Sofia Health Staff
By Sofia Health Staff on June, 14 2021

As a holistic health and wellness entrepreneur, you’re not just a practitioner, you're now the CEO! You are wearing multiple hats and straddling multiple job functions simultaneously to tend to both your patients’ needs and your business needs. Most wellness business owners quickly learn that building a business is a full-time job in and of itself, let alone having to focus on patient/client care & stay up to date on your license, certificates, and education. As a result, you may find yourself stretched too thin trying to manage all of your back office and administrative tasks and still carve out time to treat patients.



Today’s Healthcare Solopreneurs No Longer Have to Do It All to Grow Their Wellness Business



It’s easy for health and wellness professionals to get caught up in doing it all. However, as a practitioner, you know firsthand the importance of practicing self-care and creating life/work balance. Additionally, as a business owner, you recognize that you simply can’t do everything — and do it well. You may find yourself in constant reactive mode, struggling to build your practice and client base without gaining any tangible momentum. Are you still selling 1-1 services?

The good news is today’s health and wellness entrepreneurs have options. It's possible to tap into the power of innovative online tools and resources to ensure you have the support you need to automate operations, streamline efficiencies, and make the best use of your time while growing your independent practice. Best of all, the right health and wellness platform can actually save you money, helping you protect your practice’s bottom line.

Here are three things your business should outsource now to help you stay focused on doing what you love most — helping your clients take control of their health.




Most healthcare business owners spend an excessive amount of time trying to market their practice, often with little to no noticeable results. It’s not your fault; marketing tactics are continually changing and evolving. This is especially true with digital marketing strategies (algorithms, anyone?).


When done properly, inbound techniques, such as blogs, SEO, SEM, and social media campaigns can command online attention and build brand awareness. However, business owners can spend countless hours developing (and redeveloping) their plans. Not to mention testing marketing channels, testing your message resonated with your audience, checking conversions, building new funnels, and iterating! It’s easy to get consumed and overwhelmed with all that goes into building a scalable marketing funnel. Joining a health and wellness marketplace to boost your brand awareness can quickly and effectively supplement your existing marketing strategy.


With the help of an innovative marketplace designed specifically to provide you with the necessary infrastructure and lower your client acquisition costs, you can effectively outsource one marketing channel, gain a brand new channel, or replace your marketing efforts altogether.


Marketplaces are great online spaces to connect individuals to talented, independent professionals. No longer reserved for products, freelancers, or finding a bed and breakfast, consumers can now shop for interventions and practitioners on a dedicated health and wellness platform. You’ll have instant access to the tools needed to grow your marketing funnel — all at one low monthly rate. Best of all, the right resource will allow you to set up a comprehensive online presence to showcase all of your independent practice’s services and products to make it as easy as possible for interested clients to find you.


Scheduling / Calendar Functionality


Many healthcare business owners wish they could outsource scheduling to an assistant. However, they often don’t have the working capital needed to pay for administrative support capable of coordinating client appointments and consultations for every interested potential client. A huge part of scaling your business involves automating your services and providing content to interested clients without 1-1 consults.


Fortunately, a well-designed health and wellness platform means you no longer have to do all the work yourself. Plus automating the admin tasks means you have more time to focus on client care without cutting into your profit margins. Automation can be a technical challenge but it’s the easiest and most efficient way to scale your business!


A two-sided marketplace for wellness professionals and patients will have built-in practitioner functionality that allows you to designate when you have office hours and when you are unavailable as part of your flat monthly rate. Clients simply access your digital calendar and schedule accordingly, eliminating the risk of double booking or having to go back and forth through email to find a time that works for both of you.


Payment Processing


Most healthcare business owners agree that finding consistent, accurate payment processing is challenging and expensive. Are you using Venmo? Better check if that is compliant! But payment processing does not have to be complex. A robust online platform for healthcare professionals will provide payment processing as part of your monthly membership fee. Outsourcing online payment processing not only reduces the risk of error but can also help accelerate how quickly you get paid. While using PayPal and Venmo might be easy, they might not be compliant. Double-check your rules and regulations to be sure.


Sofia Health Can Help You Outsource the Right Tasks to Grow Your Practices



Sofia Health’s two-sided digital marketplace is designed to support wellness business owners as they build and grow their independent practices. Our innovative platform delivers instant access to a wide range of tools and resources to automate workflows, drive efficiencies, and build brand awareness — all at one flat monthly rate. Schedule a call with our team today to learn more or sign up to get started with 30 days free!



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