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5 Tips To Help You Stick With Your Meditation Practice

Picture of Sofia Health Staff
By Sofia Health Staff on January, 25 2021
a black woman meditating in the forest


5 Tips To Help You Stick with Your Meditation Practice 

You're probably familiar with this sequence of events: you read a fantastic article or watch a moving video about something and you make up your mind to pursue it diligently, only to abandon it a few weeks later. Whether you're trying to go to the gym, learn the guitar, or start meditating, inspiration will only get you so far. After the initial rush wears off, most people abandon whatever they were trying to do and get back to their normal routines. 


If you've been reading or hearing about meditation, and intending to take it up for a while, you might relate to the above situation. You know that meditation is good for you, but you just can't get into it and stay there. The trick lies in making it a habit so that you can continue to reap the benefits. Here are some things to keep in mind if you're struggling to stick with your meditation practice.


1st tip is to join a meditation community

Human beings are social creatures. If you feel isolated and alone, you're less likely to do things that might benefit you. There are several online meditation communities where you can sign up and share your progress with practitioners from all over the world. Applications such as, for example, offer you a chance to give and receive daily motivation from people just like you who are trying to better their lives through meditation. You can attend meditation seminars and retreats if you want to meet like-minded people in person.


2nd tip is to find a mentor

Finding the right mentor can drastically improve the results you gain from meditation. Someone who's been in your position can guide you through the rough patches so that you continue practicing.





3rd tip is to set right expectations

Some days, meditation will leave you feeling happy and glowing. On other days, you might find it difficult to concentrate, or you might feel nothing at all. This is perfectly OK. Don't expect each session to be revelatory. The only thing that matters is that you show up and be present.




4th tip is to use guided meditations

It can be challenging to close your eyes for 10 to 30 minutes and focus on your breath, especially if you haven't done it before. Guided meditations eliminate this problem by providing audio assistance throughout your session. There are several free meditations available online from renowned teachers such as Tara Brach and Sam Harris.



5th tip is not to use special tools required

Unlike a physical workout routine, meditation doesn't require you to bring any extra tools to your practice. You don't need special skills, a mat, or a pair of headphones. If you can breathe, you can meditate.


 *Remind yourself that you don't need any special tools.


Meditation isn't an instant fix for all of your problems. It is an extremely powerful tool, but you need to be patient with your practice. If you show up every day, leave all of your expectations at the door, and be present, you will reap the wonderful rewards of meditation.

To find resources to help you with meditation individually or in groups, visit SofiaHealth.

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