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Macro Tracking Influence in Disordered Eating

Picture of Sofia Health Staff
By Sofia Health Staff on August, 05 2024
Macro Tracking Influence in Disordered Eating

In this episode of Sofia Unfiltered, Riley talks to Gabrielle Fundaro, Ph.D. in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, BS in Exercise, Sport, and Health Education, ACE-certified Health Coach, Author, Board Member of the Nutrition Coaching Global Mastermind (NCGM) and the Sports Nutrition Association (SNA), and Founder of Vitamin Ph.D. Nutrition

Gabrielle's Journey to Healthy Body Image

Fundaro shares her journey from a career in academia to full-time coaching. She discusses her early struggles with body image and eating disorders, which began when she was a teenager trying to meet the perceived expectations of the fitness industry. Fundaro emphasizes how her pursuit of a perfect physique led to disordered eating patterns and health issues. She now advocates for a healthier approach to body image, focusing on internal cues rather than strict dieting practices.


Macro Tracking: Friend or Foe?

After discovering her disordered eating, Gabrielle Fundaro sought therapy to address her issues. She found therapy beneficial but noted that it lacked a focus on nutrition and physical activity. This gap highlighted the need for a more holistic approach, combining mental and physical health perspectives. Fundaro realized that her strict adherence to macro tracking was rooted in body image issues and a fear of weight gain, which made it difficult to break free from disordered eating patterns.

In her coaching career, Fundaro initially used macro tracking for weight loss but began noticing similar disordered eating patterns in her clients. Clients often attached their self-worth to their appearance, felt guilty for not tracking macros precisely, and saw weight fluctuations as personal failures. This led to a realization that the approach was not promoting true well-being and that clients needed more than just macro plans. Fundaro's shift in perspective emphasizes the importance of addressing body image and self-worth alongside physical health to support holistic recovery.

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The Importance of Transparency in Health Data

Biocanic provides a seamless interface for practitioners and clients, emphasizing the importance of transparency in health data. Their comprehensive dashboard integrates over ten wearable devices and processes data from over 200 specialty labs, delivering a user-friendly experience. Unlike traditional systems that often hide information, Biocanic ensures that both practitioners and clients have access to the same data, fostering a collaborative approach to health management. This transparency helps clients understand their health better and motivates them to follow their personalized health plans.

For practitioners, Biocanic streamlines client management by integrating with CRM systems like HubSpot and Salesforce, allowing efficient tracking and automation of tasks. Features like self-scheduling, task management, centralized billing, and electronic document signing simplify the workflow. By consolidating multiple touchpoints into a single platform, Biocanic enhances both the practitioner’s efficiency and the client’s engagement, ultimately driving better health outcomes.


Diet Culture's Impact on Disordered Eating

Coaches and therapists need to recognize signs of disordered eating, such as extreme adherence to macro tracking or linking self-worth to body size, to avoid exacerbating the issue. Acknowledging the need for additional professional support when necessary is crucial.

The discussion also touches on the impact of diet culture, noting that stigmatization of body size began during World War I and has continued through various societal changes. Despite a growing shift towards body acceptance, many still focus on physical transformation as a measure of self-worth. The rise of new weight loss drugs has introduced further complexities, but the core issue remains the need to prioritize healthy behaviors over weight loss alone, aiming for a more comprehensive and compassionate approach to well-being.


What Are The Risks of Cosmetic Fat Loss?

Coaches and health professionals need to be aware of the mental health aspects that can influence clients' relationships with their bodies. When pursuing cosmetic fat loss, it often stems from body dissatisfaction, which can be a strong risk factor for developing disordered eating behaviors. Focusing on body image improvements without addressing underlying issues can sometimes worsen the situation.

Intentional weight loss driven by health goals might pose fewer risks than cosmetic fat loss, but care must be taken to ensure that clients' approaches do not reinforce negative body image. Effective strategies include promoting body neutrality and self-acceptance rather than focusing on appearance. Working with mental health professionals and coaches can provide a more comprehensive approach to supporting clients. Educating clients about the distinction between body image and body health is crucial, as well as ensuring that interventions are aligned with their long-term well-being.


More from Sofia Health

Check out the full episode of the Sofia Unfiltered podcast, "How Diet Culture Influences Body Image and Health with Gabrielle Fundaro", available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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Disclaimer: The Sofia Unfiltered Podcast by Sofia Health is for general informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing, or other professional healthcare services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have. For any health concerns, users should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals.

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