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3 Helpful Ways to Prevent Holiday Burnout

Written by Sofia Health Staff | Dec 14, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Have the holidays lost their magical essence in your adult life? Whether you are hosting the holidays for the first time or trying to maintain your reign as the best gifter, we can understand getting lost in the stress of these pursuits.


The stressors and expectations surrounding the holidays have become unbearable for many adults. It’s for these reasons that many health coaches are finding their businesses pick up around this time of the year.


Listen as the two Sofia Health practitioners discuss their experiences coaching anxious party-goers through a ‘holiday hangover’.


If you feel impending holiday burnout approaching, you are not alone! The never-ending expectations surrounding the holidays are crippling to many hosts and attendees alike. 


Lauren Dyche and Melissa King are both expert health coaches who have empowered their clients to adapt to these types of stress, or even more, prevent it by establishing personal boundaries. You can learn more about the coaching service Melissa provides to their clients by going to Sofia Health.