Sofia Unfiltered by Sofia Health

What is iRest Yoga Nidra and how does it help?

Written by Sofia Health Staff | Mar 18, 2024 12:00:00 PM

In this episode of Sofia Unfiltered, Riley talks to the founders of iRest Yoga Nidra, Dr. Richard Miller, Karen Soltes, and Robin Carnes

Meet the Founders

In the journey of meditation and healing, Richard Miller, the founder of iRest, embarked on a path of discovery in the 70s, blending his expertise as a psychotherapist and meditation teacher to aid those grappling with trauma and mental health challenges. 

Meanwhile, Robin Carnes found solace in yoga and meditation during tumultuous times, leading her to explore its potential for PTSD relief. Their paths converged when Rachel Green's vision sparked a groundbreaking study, drawing them together to pioneer iRest's integration into military PTSD treatment. 

Karen Soltes, a clinical social worker and meditation enthusiast, found her way into the VA system, witnessing firsthand the transformative impact of iRest on veterans' lives. Their collaborative efforts, fueled by personal experiences and empirical evidence, have illuminated a path of healing and resilience for countless individuals navigating the complexities of mental health.


The Origins of iRest

Dr. Richard Miller shares how his encounter with a rudimentary yoga nidra practice in the 1970s sparked a transformative trajectory. Initially met with skepticism from military circles, the protocol evolved into Integrative Restoration, or iRest, blending psychological integration and deep restoration.

Through years of refinement and collaboration with figures like Robin Carnes and Karen Soltes, iRest has blossomed into a globally recognized program, touching the lives of veterans and individuals from diverse backgrounds. Rooted in the idea of tapping into an innate, indestructible well-being, iRest offers a unique approach that focuses on what's right within individuals, fostering a profound shift towards healing and inner harmony.

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Yoga Nidra and iRest: What’s the Difference?

Dr. Richard Miller sheds light on the essence of iRest, tracing its roots back to yoga nidra while emphasizing its distinct features. He outlines the ten components of the iRest protocol, emphasizing its focus on intention-building, inner resource development, and body and breath sensing. Robin Carnes highlights key differences between iRest and traditional yoga nidra, including its secular language, trauma-sensitive approach, and emphasis on self-sourced imagery and resources. iRest aims to guide individuals in meeting themselves as they are, fostering kindness, curiosity, and resilience in navigating their inner landscape.


Rediscovering Self in the Face of Trauma

Karen Soltes, Robin Carnes, and Dr. Richard Miller discuss the transformative essence of iRest, focusing on its somatic approach and its capacity to aid individuals in reconnecting with their bodies amidst trauma. They emphasize iRest's patient-centered philosophy, aiming to guide individuals toward a deeper awareness of bodily sensations and providing tools to navigate difficult emotions and responses.

Karen shares anecdotes of veterans experiencing profound shifts as they reconnect with their bodies, highlighting the ongoing journey toward healing facilitated by iRest. Robin and Richard echo this sentiment, stressing the importance of slowing down and embracing the subtleties of experience, ultimately empowering individuals to reclaim agency and choice in their lives.


Veterans' Stories of Transformation with iRest

In the early days of implementing iRest therapy with veterans, it was met with skepticism and uncertainty, particularly surrounding the idea of meditation in military culture. However, as veterans began to engage with the practice, profound shifts were observed.

Despite initial resistance due to physical pain and trauma, participants found relief in iRest, experiencing improved sleep and a newfound sense of control over their lives. The therapy provided a space for veterans to confront their trauma gently and develop coping mechanisms, leading to remarkable transformations. Over time, anecdotal evidence showcased significant improvements in sleep quality, emotional regulation, and overall well-being, demonstrating the potential of iRest as a valuable tool for veterans' mental health.


The Importance of Therapeutic Consistency

In the realm of iRest therapy, consistency reigns supreme. Karen Soltes, alongside Richard Miller and Robin Carnes, emphasizes the power of sticking to a familiar script in guiding veterans through their healing journeys. This approach fosters a sense of safety and predictability, allowing individuals to delve deeper into their practice without fear of the unknown. 

The effectiveness of iRest is backed by tangible evidence, as seen in studies showcasing improvements in sleep quality and overall physiological well-being. Moreover, iRest doesn't operate in isolation but serves as a potent adjunct to a multitude of interventions, amplifying their therapeutic effects. From reducing the need for medications to enhancing the outcomes of various treatments like acupuncture and cognitive behavioral therapy, iRest proves itself as a versatile tool in the arsenal of healing modalities for veterans and beyond.


The Science Behind iRest Therapy

Discovering the transformative potential of iRest therapy goes beyond the confines of traditional meditation practices. Through clinically validated studies, this approach reveals tangible shifts not only in mental well-being but also in physical biomarkers. By tracking cortisol levels and immune function, researchers have observed a decrease in stress markers and an increase in overall health indicators.

The beauty of iRest lies in its adaptability and accessibility, as individuals can integrate it seamlessly into their daily lives, drawing from its benefits throughout the day. With free online resources and a wealth of trained teachers worldwide, iRest offers a pathway to healing that extends beyond individual practice sessions, creating a ripple effect of positive change in relationships and communities. Whether in a clinical setting or the comfort of one's home, iRest empowers individuals to reclaim agency over their well-being and fosters a sense of connection that transcends boundaries.


More from Sofia Health

Check out the full episode of the Sofia Unfiltered podcast, "Yoga Nidra: The iRest Meditative Practice for Deep Relaxation and Healing", available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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