Sofia Unfiltered by Sofia Health

What is an Eating Disorder? with Georgia McArtney

Written by Sofia Health Staff | May 2, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Georgia McArtney, MS, RD, LD, brings her expertise from various settings including partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient eating disorder treatment. She is dedicated to implementing evidence-based practices to support clients in achieving lasting recovery from eating disorders.  Join us as Georgia shares his expertise in this exclusive interview with Sofia Health. 

Your focus revolves around assisting individuals with various eating disorders, encompassing conditions such as binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, and others. Could you elaborate on the definition of an eating disorder and provide insights into the signs and symptoms that individuals should be attentive to?

Eating disorders encompass a spectrum of conditions marked by an unhealthy relationship with food and body image. Food becomes emotionally taxing. Anxiety and fixation on food are key signs, alongside behaviors like meal avoidance or manipulation of food intake. Physical symptoms can include fatigue, hair loss, difficulty concentrating, and body aches, However, it's crucial to understand that eating disorders extend beyond mere dietary habits; they often serve as coping mechanisms for underlying emotional struggles. Open dialogue and empathy are vital in dispelling misconceptions and supporting individuals in seeking assistance on the path to recovery.

Numerous individuals untouched by disordered eating often struggle to comprehend why those experiencing eating disorders don't simply consume food. However, we recognize that eating disorders are seldom solely about the food; rather, they often serve as a means of control, coping, or emotional processing. Engaging in conversations to openly discuss and comprehend eating disorders is crucial, as it can encourage others to seek assistance when necessary. In your opinion, when is it appropriate to take the step of seeking help, and who should individuals reach out to for support?

Recognizing the complexity of eating disorders, seeking help is warranted when one experiences disruptions in daily life due to food-related struggles or emotional distress. Whether facing difficulties meeting nutritional needs, heightened anxiety surrounding food, social withdrawal, or physical symptoms like fatigue, seeking assistance is valid and crucial for well-being. I recommend starting by consulting with a therapist and dietitian specializing in eating disorders. The therapist and dietitian will complete an eating disorder assessment and provide recommendations for the next steps, whether that may be outpatient treatment or beginning a more intensive eating disorder recovery treatment program. Opting for professionals with expertise in eating disorders ensures comprehensive support, fostering a conducive environment for healing and recovery.

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A new study shows that nutrition and weight loss content on TikTok perpetuates a toxic diet culture among teens and young adults. The study also indicates that nutrition experts are being overshadowed by nutrition influencers lacking expertise, what is your advice to young adults who are being influenced by social media?

When it comes to navigating the influence of social media on nutrition and body image, it's essential for young adults to critically evaluate the content they encounter. My advice would be to prioritize sources that are backed by expertise and credibility. This involves checking the background and qualifications of influencers sharing nutrition advice and being wary of those who profit from promoting products or unrealistic body standards. Seek out professionals with advanced training, such as registered dieticians, for reliable information and support. While social media can be overwhelming, taking the time to discern credible sources can empower individuals to make informed choices about their health and well-being.


Eating disorders thrive on secrecy. What guidance or suggestions would you offer to parents of teenagers who may be concealing signs of an eating disorder?

Encouraging open communication within families is crucial in addressing eating disorders, which often thrive on secrecy. Parents should prioritize creating an environment where their teenagers feel safe and supported to express their feelings and struggles openly. By fostering accountability and support at home, parents play a vital role in identifying and addressing eating disorder symptoms early on, alongside guidance from professionals like dieticians and therapists. Openness, directness, and a commitment to communication lay the foundation for a healthier relationship with food and a stronger family dynamic. I often encourage parents to attend family therapy or nutrition sessions with their teenagers to get feedback on ways to support their loved ones. 


With a dedicated team focused on delivering nutrition counseling for eating disorders, can you provide more details about the specific elements of your approach to nutrition?

In my approach to nutrition counseling for eating disorders, I emphasize several key elements to promote holistic well-being. Firstly, I adopt a Health at Every Size perspective, focusing on health behaviors rather than weight. I prioritize intuitive eating, helping clients reconnect with their body's hunger and fullness cues. I affirm that all foods have a place in a balanced diet and reject the notion of labeling foods as "bad" or "wrong." My foundational principles include ensuring clients meet their nutritional needs adequately, promoting consistency in eating patterns, and encouraging dietary variety. I aim to foster a healthy relationship with food that allows clients to lead fulfilling lives beyond food fixation, rejecting terms like " cheat day" that imply negative associations with certain foods. Ultimately, my goal is to help clients view food as just one aspect of a rich and fulfilling life.


How does a weight-inclusive approach contribute to the recovery process for individuals with eating disorders?

A weight-inclusive approach is integral to the recovery process for individuals with eating disorders, as it addresses the complex relationship between body image and disordered eating behaviors. By prioritizing health behaviors overweight, this approach helps individuals focus on building a healthy relationship with food and exercise, free from the pressures of societal weight norms. It acknowledges that health is multifaceted and cannot be determined solely by weight, thereby reducing the harmful effects of weight stigma and bias. By promoting body neutrality and emphasizing overall well-being, rather than weight loss, a weight-inclusive approach supports individuals in developing sustainable and nourishing habits that contribute to their long-term recovery journey. This way, no matter how their bodies may change with time, they are equipped to nourish them with compassion. 

For individuals managing chronic health conditions along with eating disorders, how do you address their unique needs in the recovery process?

I specialize in working with individuals with eating disorders, but I've also begun seeing clients with chronic illnesses, many of whom have both conditions simultaneously. Balancing treatment for both can be challenging, especially when traditional eating disorder recovery advice may conflict with managing chronic illness symptoms. I prioritize open communication with my clients, acknowledging their experiences and working collaboratively to find solutions that promote both recovery and symptom management. While I never prescribe restrictive diets, I remain open to exploring dietary interventions that may alleviate symptoms, always prioritizing my clients' well-being and feedback. My approach involves experimenting, listening to their bodies, and engaging in open conversations about the complexities of managing both conditions simultaneously. We also spend time processing the body grief that comes along with loss of health and the frequent medical traumas that chronically ill folks experience. Ultimately, it's about finding what works best for each individual client and empowering them to advocate for their health. 

What are your most helpful tips for optimal health?

Maintaining optimal health is multifaceted, but I find that prioritizing a healthy relationship with food and body image is crucial. It's about finding balance and not letting food preoccupation consume too much mental space. Instead, aim for a neutral, enjoyable, and intuitive approach to eating. Additionally, recognize that seeking help is a sign of strength, especially if struggling with disordered eating or chronic illness. Your relationship with food and your body is lifelong, so investing in cultivating a positive one is worth it in the long run. Remember: food should be just one aspect of a fulfilling life!

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