Sofia Unfiltered by Sofia Health

Warriors at Ease: Supporting Veterans' Mental Health

Written by Sofia Health Staff | May 27, 2024 12:00:00 PM

In this episode of Sofia Unfiltered, Riley talks to Ramón Salazar, Executive Director at Warriors at Ease, Army Veteran, E-RYT500 Certified Yoga Instructor

From Army Veteran to Yoga Advocate

Ramón Salazar is the Executive Director of Warriors at Ease, a nonprofit established in 2011 to integrate yoga and meditation into the military community. As an Army veteran and yoga instructor, he shares his journey from serving as a combat medic to discovering yoga and becoming an instructor. His passion for yoga led him to join Warriors at Ease in 2020 as the Teach Program Manager, where he contributed to the organization's mission of supporting veterans through trauma-informed yoga practices.


Warriors at Ease Training: How You Can Support Veterans' Mental Health

Warriors at Ease offers dynamic training programs designed to empower yoga instructors with the skills needed to support the military community effectively. These programs include:

  • Level 1: Fundamentals of Trauma-Informed Yoga: An online, self-paced course that introduces the basics of integrating yoga and meditation with a focus on trauma-informed techniques. This foundational course offers the flexibility to learn at your own convenience, making it accessible to busy professionals.
  • Level 2: Advanced Adaptive Yoga Practices: Hands-on training that goes deeper into adaptive yoga methods tailored to address the specific needs of those dealing with trauma. This course emphasizes practical application, ensuring instructors can confidently support veterans and active-duty members.
  • Combo Training: Comprehensive Yoga for the Military: This option combines both Level 1 and Level 2 training, providing a thorough understanding and application of Warriors at Ease's specialized approach. It’s perfect for instructors who want to be fully equipped to make a significant impact.
Warriors at Ease's training programs go beyond teaching yoga techniques—they cultivate a safe and supportive environment essential for working with veterans and active-duty members. Participants gain valuable insights and tools to promote healing, resilience, and overall well-being within the military community.

For more details on these transformative training programs, visit Warriors at Ease and start your journey toward making a positive difference today.

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The Impact of Trauma-Informed Yoga for Veterans

Riley and Ramón discuss the importance of yoga tailored for veterans, emphasizing the need for awareness and sensitivity to their unique experiences. Ramón shares his personal experience of feeling uncomfortable in a regular yoga class due to the instructor's positioning and lack of communication. He highlights how Warriors at Ease training focuses on creating a safe environment, using clear communication, and addressing specific needs like breath work and adaptive poses for injuries. They agree that these small but significant adjustments can make yoga more accessible and beneficial for veterans, helping to regulate the nervous system and support mental health. 


Challenging Stereotypes of Yoga in the Military

Introducing yoga and mindfulness to younger service members is crucial for early stress reduction and mental well-being. Despite misconceptions that yoga is only for the flexible or those seeking intense workouts, its true value lies in connecting breath and movement to foster overall well-being.

Yoga can significantly impact mental health and physical relaxation, making it highly beneficial for veterans and service members. Warriors at Ease provides specialized training for yoga teachers to better serve the military community, offering various courses and continuing education. 

Listeners can support Warriors at Ease by visiting their website for information on courses, and donations, and accessing a special 25% discount on their level one course by emailing


The Versatility of Yoga and Mindfulness

Yoga and mindfulness offer significant benefits beyond the military community, particularly for individuals dealing with mental health issues such as PTSD and depression. While the Warriors at Ease program is designed with military members in mind, its tools and techniques are valuable for anyone experiencing trauma or stress. These methods have been successfully applied to various groups, including senior citizens, demonstrating yoga's capacity to support overall well-being for everyone.

Supporting Warriors at Ease is crucial for promoting veteran's mental health, and contributions through donations and participation in their training programs are encouraged. The value of yoga, meditation, and building relationships for personal well-being is underscored. 


More from Sofia Health

Check out the full episode of the Sofia Unfiltered podcast, "Yoga for Veterans: Warriors at Ease Training with Ramón Salazar", available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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