Sofia Unfiltered by Sofia Health

Recognizing and Recovering from Burnout with Francesca Blechner

Written by Sofia Health Staff | Jan 25, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Francesca Blechner, a Holistic Health Coach and Burnout Expert based in London brings over six years of experience to transforming lives through personalized coaching and wellness initiatives.  As the author of 'Self-care for Life in the City,' she guides a diverse clientele, including CEOs and athletes, toward healthier and more fulfilling lives. Originating as a Personal Trainer, Francesca's approach has evolved to comprehensively address stress, burnout, and adrenal fatigue. Explore with Francesca the intricate connection between mind, body, and soul for a balanced life in this exclusive interview with Sofia Health. 

Your experience as a Holistic Health Coach and Burnout Expert is extensive. What motivated you to specialize in burnout prevention, and how has your approach evolved over the years?

In my early years as a personal trainer in London, I observed a common theme among clients – burnout from the challenges of juggling modern city life, parenthood, and career. Motivated by this observation and my own experiences of burnout in my 30s, I delved into understanding the intricate relationship between stress, hormones, and health. My approach evolved as I faced the consequences of a fast-paced lifestyle, leading me to explore various modalities like yoga and nervous system regulation. Experiencing anxiety and physical symptoms, I realized the importance of slowing down and reconnecting with myself. This journey not only transformed my well-being but also fueled my passion for helping others prevent and overcome burnout.

What is burnout?

In my holistic perspective, burnout encompasses six major factors: 

  • Nutrition And Lifestyle
  • Environmental Influences
  • Chemical Stress
  • Thoughts And Mental Patterns
  • Not Living in Alignment With One's Purpose
  • Unresolved Trauma

Disruption in any of these areas can lead to internal chaos, impacting physiology and contributing to burnout symptoms. I emphasize the interconnectedness of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic aspects in understanding and addressing burnout. This comprehensive approach recognizes that individuals often experience a combination of these factors, emphasizing the need for a holistic and personalized approach to prevention and recovery.


How can we prevent burnout?

Preventing burnout begins with heightened awareness and conscious living. A crucial first step, especially for those in survival mode, is improving sleep hygiene. Prioritizing sleep and adhering to a consistent schedule between 10 PM and 6 AM supports hormonal balance and facilitates physical and psychological repair. Understanding the impact of artificial light on sleep cycles is essential, as exposure to tech screens stimulates cortisol release, suppressing melatonin production. Creating a tech-free wind-down routine an hour before bedtime allows the body to naturally transition into rest, promoting better sleep quality and overall well-being. This simple yet powerful step serves as a foundation for burnout prevention.


What are the 5 stages of burnout?

While I acknowledge the five stages of burnout from a somewhat clinical perspective, they provide a framework. 

  1. The first stage is the honeymoon phase, characterized by feeling good and everything being seemingly fine. 
  2. The onset of stress follows when triggers and irritations begin to surface. 
  3. The third stage is chronic stress, marked by compounded stress levels and deepening physical symptoms. 
  4. Burnout itself comes next, bringing a sense of exhaustion and apathy, making it challenging to perform tasks. 
  5. Finally, the fifth stage is habitual burnout, where the condition becomes ingrained in daily life, often leading to unconscious adaptation to symptoms in a survival mode mentality.

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Can you share your best tips on recovering from burnout?

My top recovery tip for burnout is prioritizing sleep and syncing with circadian rhythms. Getting to bed by 10 or 10:30 PM, switching off electronics an hour or two before bedtime, and creating a sleep-friendly environment reap significant rewards. 

Sleep plays a crucial role in hormonal regulation, appetite control, and overall well-being. Implementing these changes gradually can be more manageable for someone already overwhelmed by burnout. Additionally, reducing exposure to electromagnetic activity by keeping phones out of the bedroom and creating a dark, quiet sleep space further supports recovery. Making these adjustments, particularly focusing on sleep hygiene, can be a foundational step in reclaiming balance and health.


Your book, 'Self-care for Life in the City,' addresses the challenges of urban living. Can you share some key practices or insights from the book that individuals can incorporate into their daily lives to manage stress and prevent burnout?

Sleep and creating a blackout environment are key practices to manage stress and prevent burnout, as emphasized in my book. Additionally, connecting with nature is crucial, especially in urban environments. Being in green spaces or enjoying natural surroundings helps soothe the nervous system and provides a mental reset. 

Another essential insight is the importance of redefining success and clarifying personal values. Taking time to write a statement about what success means individually, rather than subscribing to societal expectations, can be a game-changer. Unsubscribing from societal norms and embracing a definition of success that aligns with personal well-being and fulfillment is liberating and transformative.


Can you shed light on the role of breathwork in self-regulation, especially in the context of burnout?

Breathwork, particularly conscious connected breath, plays a crucial role in self-regulation and managing burnout. Breathing is intricately linked to every physiological system and emotional state in the body. With conscious connected breath, the sympathetic nervous system is gently stressed within a safe container. This process allows for the movement and integration of stress, unprocessed emotions, and past trauma at a manageable level. By purging stuck energy and stress, breathwork facilitates a clearer pathway for the system to regulate, helping individuals move through burnout and find a state of clarity and balance.


Your workshops cover a range of topics, from 'Self-care in the City' to 'Embodied Leadership.' How do you design these workshops to create a transformative experience for participants, and what feedback have you received from attendees?

Entrepreneurship and leadership are additional passions, guiding individuals to embody their gifts by aligning their physical presence with their goals. The workshops focus on utilizing the body for leadership, emphasizing how grounded physiology fosters presence and safety. Feedback from attendees, especially those in high-stress professions, has been positive, acknowledging the practical tools provided for managing stress and enhancing overall well-being.

I love entrepreneurship and leadership, I guide individuals and groups on how to shift their physiology to activate their soul power and bring their gifts to the world. Being an embodied leader means being grounded in your body and having a regulated nervous system to foster presence and safety. Feedback from attendees, especially those in high-stress professions, has been positive, often described as 'life-changing', 'profound', and 'transformational'.


What are your most helpful tips for optimal health?

For optimal health, focus on the basics: prioritize quality sleep, practice diaphragmatic breathing for nervous system regulation, pay attention to social connections, be mindful of the information you consume, and choose the source of your food wisely. Hydration with good-quality water is crucial, and maintaining a connection with yourself through a spiritual practice contributes to overall well-being. Keep it simple, emphasizing foundational elements for a holistic approach to health.


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