Sofia Unfiltered by Sofia Health

How Subconscious Reprogramming Improves Your Life with Dana Gillespie

Written by Sofia Health Staff | Jan 11, 2024 8:29:18 PM

Meet Dana Gillespie, an experienced Meditation Teacher, Transformational Mindset Life Coach, and the innovative mind behind the My Moontime app—a distinctive tool empowering women to align with and embrace their menstrual cycles. With over 14 years of expertise, Dana specializes in Breathwork, Mindfulness, and Meditation. Her unique approach also includes a focus on subconscious reprogramming. Discover how she empowers women in a holistic journey toward well-being in this exclusive interview with Sofia Health

Can you explain the concept of subconscious reprogramming and how it differs from traditional therapy or coaching approaches that focus on the conscious mind?

Subconscious Reprogramming - My favorite practice that I love and can’t stop talking about! The transformations that I’ve experienced personally and witnessed in my clients are remarkable! I believe this will become the go-to methodology of the future.

In traditional therapy and coaching, people often talk about their challenges with someone, thinking that if they could just get it off their chest, understand the root cause, and “feel it to heal it”, then they could let it go and move on. 

Yet what many people experience is that even though they develop a clearer understanding of their issues, they still keep experiencing the same patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior that automatically occur as a result of those issues.

We can easily recognize this by how New Year's Resolutions don’t typically work. If we could consciously change our habits and ways of being just through reasoning and willpower, then we would already be living as the best version of ourselves and loving our lives.

Real and lasting change comes from working on the subconscious level. The methods I use in my practice get to the core of the unconscious mind and transform it from the inside out.


In your experience, what role does the subconscious mind play in shaping our behaviors, patterns, and overall well-being?

How often have you heard people vividly describe their challenges with precise understanding, yet they continue to face those same issues over and over again? Perhaps you’ve at some point consciously chosen to alter a behavior, emotion, pattern, or reaction, only to catch yourself repeating them? 

Our conscious mind alone struggles to make lasting changes to most of our behaviors, emotions, and reactions. If we make those unwanted choices consciously, it might seem simple to change them with a new decision. However, these behaviors typically arise more automatically. It's as if an unconscious part of us handles these actions.

In fact, it’s the subconscious mind that controls the majority of our behaviors, emotions, and reactions. One of its main jobs is to protect us by keeping things predictable and familiar, and that is why we can get stuck in situations we consciously know are not serving us.

Around 5% of our daily thoughts come from our conscious mind. The rest come from the subconscious mind, and the majority of our learned perceptions are formed before age 7.

Until we work on the subconscious level to transform the filters of perception that we respond to life through, we’ll most likely continue to attract and live in those same patterns, issues, and pains. 

In addition, our nervous system goes into “fight or flight” mode as a stress response to these subconscious patterns. This can drain our energy and vitality and make it difficult to experience clarity and creativity. 

A common issue many people suffer from is not feeling good enough. They might find themselves trying to please others so that they’re liked and can feel good and whole on the inside. However, that never really works because “not feeling good enough” is a learned false perception. 

Once the unconscious mind is transformed and the perceived fears dissolve, the subconscious mind comes back into the present moment and starts responding to life in the now. The nervous system goes back into parasympathetic “rest and digest” mode, and overall well-being improves.

After sessions, my clients often report feeling very full of energy and having a deep sense of wholeness, peace, beingness, love, and oneness. These core states of being become inner resources and allow them to live with much more ease and flow in their life.


Could you share a specific case or success story where subconscious reprogramming had a profound impact on a client, especially in areas like trauma, PTSD, or emotional stuckness 

One of the wonderful aspects of the methods I use is that I don’t need to know what the specific past events are that we are transforming. Some clients choose to share, while others do not. It’s often a natural side effect of the session where it’s almost like the trauma, PTSD, or emotional stuckness just “forgot to happen”, and it’s lasting!

One of my clients felt stuck and couldn’t shake the feelings of a past event despite being in talk therapy for over 15 years and having many reiki and energy healing sessions. After two sessions together - she expressed feeling an amazing, unprecedented calmness and relaxation in her nervous system that she has never felt before. The feelings that she couldn’t shake from her past trauma and PTSD were now gone. Her intimate relationship with her husband was thriving, and they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. She also felt grounded, centered, empowered, and inspired - which led her to take action on enrolling in her Master's Degree program!

Another client I worked with was blown away by the fact that the hardest moment of her life completely transformed as a natural side effect of the session, even though we didn’t work directly with the event itself. Up until then, she was working on clearing this past event for most of her life through therapy, many EMDR sessions, and self help. She couldn’t believe that it naturally transformed in our session with ease and was loving the results! 

I love helping female creatives and entrepreneurs step into their own wholeness and success NOW so that they can be in flow and enjoy life as they create the business and life of their dreams. Many of my clients experience more clarity, energy, vitality, and fun as they start to live life from a place of deep, soul aligned wholeness. You can’t keep the success, joy, and money away when you’re in this state of being!


What sets your subconscious reprogramming coaching apart from other modalities, and why do you believe it is the most beneficial approach for personal transformation?

I got into this work because it had the biggest impact on myself and my life. I couldn’t believe this type of profound change was possible, and I wanted to help as many people as I could to start enjoying and thriving in their life NOW, skip years of additional suffering, and maybe even save some time and money. 

I spent most of my life searching for a modality to help me feel good and whole within myself, spending countless hours and money on trying almost every therapy, self help, meditation, somatic work, breath work, and energy work. You name it - I’ve probably tried it and even got certified in it as well. Nothing came close to what I experienced through subconscious reprogramming modalites, and the effects were lasting too. 

I’m now trained as a Clinical Hypnotist, Rapid Resolution Therapy Practitioner, and a Core Transformation NLP Coach. I’ve also been practicing and teaching meditation for over 15 years, and I’m a graduate of a Lewis Boswick style Clairvoyant Energy School. All of these experiences help me be a very effective coach.

Prior to using these modalities, I never felt good enough. I worked as hard as possible to do my best, and at the end of the day, felt exhausted, alone, reactive, and a shell of myself. Once I experienced subconscious reprogramming, I stepped into a sense of neutrality and wholeness like never before. I got SO much energy and life force back! Life became wonderful and fun again. I started to enjoy being me, connecting with others, and being in the present moment.

This is what all my clients share with me, too. Up until working with me on the subconscious level, they’ve usually tried pretty much everything, yet their problems and issues are still there.

The proof is in the pudding. I have witnessed countless clients have profound transformations from this work, and I love witnessing clients step back into feeling unconditionally whole within themselves and living their lives from these incredible resourceful states of being. They not only become a natural magnet for success, but more importantly, they find themselves already deeply enjoying their lives as it is - no matter what’s going on. That is priceless! I love sharing this with others and witnessing life getting magical, joyful, and fun again!

Sofia Health connects you to traditional, integrative, nutritional, holistic, and spiritual healing professionals to help you personalize your healing journey.

For someone who may be skeptical or unfamiliar with subconscious reprogramming, how would you describe the tangible benefits they can expect to experience after a session with you?

One of the most wonderful aspects of a session is how incredible and free my clients feel! 

Clients generally report having much more energy and a new sense of neutrality and awe. 

They also find themselves being able to naturally step into their core states of being like wholeness, peace, oneness, presence, and love. These resourceful states are lasting for them, and that’s quite priceless.

The things that used to bother them are just not there anymore. The life they dream of living naturally turns back on. Positive things begin to naturally unfold like they are a magnet for it. People seem to be nicer, and life becomes wonderful again.


How do you measure or track the success of subconscious reprogramming, especially in cases where clients may be dealing with long-standing issues or deeply rooted patterns?

It’s useful to state that I’m not a licensed doctor or therapist. I don’t treat, diagnose, cure, or prescribe anything. If someone is on medication, I recommend continuing to work with their licensed practitioner. I’ve worked with clients who were also, in tandem, working with their licensed doctor and other practitioners. I find it all compliments each other.

When clients book with me to help transform things about themselves and their lives, we talk a bit about their goals and go from there. I then check in with my client and see what’s showing up after our session. 

I’ve worked with many clients who shared with me that their long-standing issues, traumas, and PTSD seemed to naturally transform and disappear as a side effect from our sessions. This often happens in 3 or fewer sessions - change doesn’t have to take years. 

I generally recommend starting with 3 to 6 sessions, depending on what one's goals are. As each person is so unique, there’s never any “one size fits all” solution. I’ve worked with plenty of clients who felt complete with what they wanted to transform after a single session. 

It all depends on the individuals and goals, yet stepping into these states of being that naturally arise from these sessions tends to feel like an Energy Spa experience. Clients LOVE to have sessions and work on more things as they experience a deeper sense of wholeness, peace, and love.

I recommend booking a complimentary consultation with me, and we can go from there.


How does subconscious reprogramming tie into understanding and leveraging the biological rhythm, as you emphasize in your work with menstruating females?

Our menstrual cycles are directly tied to our nervous system. 

When we’re feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated, angry, exhausted, or fearful, our nervous system responds to that perceived threat by shutting down support for our menstrual system and using all that energy to be in ‘fight or flight’ mode. 

It's a great system when the perceived fear is a lion chasing us for a short period, but when these perceived fears are ongoing and are unconscious, that’s not ideal for our long-term health. 

Also, if we have a perception that our menstrual cycles are somehow horrible, that sends a signal to our nervous system to protect us from our menstrual cycle, which in turn drains our vitality.

Subconscious reprogramming for menstrual vitality is the missing link so many females want and need. Many people refer to “stress” as the reason that someone’s menstrual experience isn’t improving after they have tried implementing every available option. 

Through subconscious reprogramming, the stress and perceived fears naturally transform as a side effect of the sessions. This allows the body to return to parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’ mode and rebalance itself. In addition to this, being vitality as a human also requires eating well, deep sleep, exercise, self-care, laughter, community, and joy. For some people, working with a doctor, ideally an Osteopath, is also helpful. It’s a holistic endeavor.


In what ways does subconscious reprogramming contribute to making meditation more enjoyable and effortless for individuals?

After experiencing a subconscious reprogramming session, our awareness shifts. Things that used to bother us tend to not be there anymore. We’re often in states of being that cause us to feel wonderful being us in our bodies. 

A lot of the mental distractions that can make meditation challenging, frustrating, or painful tend to no longer be there. Meditation feels more enjoyable, easy, and natural as you're connecting more with your inner self.

Core Transformation NLP in particular is globally well renowned as being a research-backed method that helps people step into profound, transcendent states of being. Through this method, one can step in and have these incredible experiences that go beyond the reasoning part of the mind. Unlike qualities and situations become doorways to these amazing experiences.

A Buddhist Monk once trained in Core Transformation NLP and shared how profound it was to see people stepping into profound states of being after just being asked a few questions. This usually takes many years of advanced disciplined training in meditation for someone to begin to experience.


What are your most helpful tips for women's health?

The solution is typically more unique - just like you. Our menstrual cycle encapsulates our entire being. Our entire day-to-day life affects our menstrual cycle. No ONE thing can typically fix the myriad of ways that may have affected the vitality of our cycle. As we learn to work WITH and honor our female bodies and menstrual cycles, it truly makes a difference in all areas of our lives.

The most useful and effective way to shift this is to get present and bring your awareness to something positive, useful in the moment, and possible to do. This is your precious energy and life. Whatever you bring your conscious awareness to expands. 

I recommend spending your energy on yourself in the present moment where life is and creating a life of ease, vitality, pleasure, and abundance for yourself. You have one life to live - enjoy it fully!

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