Gabe's narrative unfolds as a tale of resilience, from his graduation in film school to his daring move to Los Angeles. Immersed in various productions and fueled by a passion for documentary filmmaking, he directed 12 impactful documentaries, six featured on PBS screens. Gabe's latest project, "Lighting the Path," not only details his healing journey but also follows others grappling with autoimmune and Lyme diseases. He shares his struggle with chronic pain, his rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, and the unconventional path he embraced for recovery.
The holistic approach considers the interplay of organ systems, utilizing computer regulation thermography for precise measurements. Gabe stresses the importance of accurate diagnostics and recommends exploring functional and biological medicine. Here are some options to help alleviate RA-related pain or enhance your ability to manage its symptoms.
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Gabe Golden stresses the crucial role of emotional healing in addressing chronic health issues like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). He highlights the connection between emotional well-being, trauma, and the nervous system in chronic illnesses. Gabe advocates for a holistic approach, combining lifestyle changes, supplements, and therapies with a focus on emotional aspects for comprehensive healing.
The discussion also touches on the mindset shift needed when facing setbacks, encouraging individuals to view them as valuable information rather than failures. Gabe shares his personal journey, including a recent setback, emphasizing the importance of exploring underlying patterns within oneself.
Emphasizing a balanced approach to health, Gabe Golden underscores the value of not overlooking mainstream medical support for relieving symptoms while concurrently exploring holistic methods. In addressing those embarking on a health journey, Gabe recommends considering practitioners in biological or functional medicine, advocating for resources that aid self-education. Stressing the significance of understanding one's biology, he encourages individuals to empower themselves in discussions with healthcare providers. Gabe's counsel extends to investing in finding a supportive healthcare professional and embracing continuous self-education, fostering a profound sense of empowerment and understanding throughout the health journey. This holistic perspective offers a comprehensive and informed approach to well-being, blending mainstream and alternative avenues for optimal health outcomes.
Gabe Golden stresses the need for self-awareness and collaboration with healthcare providers in managing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The conversation underscores the importance of practitioners who provide holistic support. Gabe's journey, with setbacks and breakthroughs, highlights the value of self-care, lifestyle adjustments, and blending mainstream and holistic approaches for RA. The discussion concludes by emphasizing how knowledge and a supportive healthcare team empower individuals to navigate RA with a holistic approach for overall well-being.
Highlighting the surge of chronic illnesses, Gabe suggests that a diagnosis can serve as a call to reevaluate lifestyle choices, emphasizing the need to understand the impact of our environment and habits. He encourages simplicity in healing, dispelling the notion that an elaborate approach or expensive treatments are the only paths to well-being.
To access Gabe's documentary film for free, interested viewers can visit and subscribe with their email.
Check out the full episode of the Sofia Unfiltered podcast, "Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Chronic Illness", available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
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Disclaimer: The Sofia Unfiltered Podcast by Sofia Health is for general informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing, or other professional healthcare services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have. For any health concerns, users should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals.